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‘The fat pet cat to the starving stray’

Disparities in wealth and development are unconcealed in Uganda. Standards of living varied with each placement. Some accommodation was equipped with electricity and toilets in a gated compound, while others lacked all of the above.

Tribalism is said to be Uganda’s own brand of racism. Political leaders are reputed to favour their tribes economically, creating huge discrepancies between regions.

Poverty is observable in the clothes people wear, the food people eat, and the general standards of living. Many reasons explain such varied st

andards of wealth and poverty. These may be geographic (climate, disease, landscape), political (corruption), environmental (lack of resources or inability to make use of them efficiently), or blatant inequalities within the structures of society.

Despite the lack of things we thought to be essential before our arrival, people are essentially happy, motivated and make the most of what they have.

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